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CA Fires – from the Servant Council
Your most humble Servant Council wishes to extend our prayers, love and support to all of our siblings who are affected directly, or have family and friends directly affected by the raging fires of LA and surrounding areas, losing everything, and maybe the ultimate tragedy of loved ones lost. We…
Lenten Reflection 10
We close out our Lenten Reflections on racism and white supremacy with these from MIR PLEMMONS (who responded to ALL the questions.) Thank you to all who were willing to share your thoughts and be a little vulnerable with us. We continue in the work… May you experience a blessed and…
Lenten Reflection 9
In the Lenten Fiddlesticks you requested all of us “To write a reflection or record a short 1-2 minute video about how you have responded in your life to the problem of racism”. Keeping in mind the 1-2 minute suggested length, I share these thoughts and experiences. 1. I know…
Lenten Reflection 8
SHOSHANAH We each start from where we start. And so I start with one early memory — a snapshot in time — Another quickly follows. Then another and another and another. Early memories grow quickly into a stack of snapshots. It is quiet work. It is humble work.…
Lenten Reflection 7
MIKE ASBURY “We are going up to Jerusalem.” To those that have been given much, much will be expected. We must go, again and again, up to the city of God, a model “home” of the Chosen. Considering the history of Jerusalem, we are in for a wild ride. Yet…
Lenten Reflection 6
I am descended from White settlers to North America and have benefited from the dispossession of Indigenous communities in the Upper Midwest, Northern Rockies, and Pacific Northwest. The systems put in place to bring about that land theft are largely still intact and continue to shape the way I understand…
Lenten Reflection 5
• What’s your earliest memory of becoming aware that some people looked different from you? I grew up on military bases. I think what you’re probably aiming for is when did I figure out that it MEANT something. The first conscious othering I knew was our German friends who had…
Lenten Reflection 3
KATIE COOK Reflections on My Life as an Ally First, I apologize for the length of this reflection. I could have included a lot more, but I didn’t think you’d want to wade through it. My story begins in the 1950s. I think I chose myself as an ally to…
Lenten Reflection 1
Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Isaiah 58:6Dear OEF Siblings, Thank you to those who submitted art, poetry, and prose reflecting on our commitment…
Lenten Reflection 2
Totally unqualified to write on the subject and requesting your indulgence, I continue your servant council’s Lenten reflections on this year’s topic though I am pretty certain that I am the least knowledgeable in our little order and perhaps even the most unsure-footed among all of God’s followers when it…