FAN Joins Br. Coyote at Arizona Forum on Food Justice, Faith and Climate Change

    FAN is proud to be a part of an upcoming forum in Arizona on Food Justice, Faith and Climate Change. Coordinated and hosted by Gary Paul (Br. Coyote) Nabhan, who was recently named 2016 Distinguished Ethnobiologist, this forum offers participants workshops on a variety of topics related to…

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2016 Distinguished Ethnobiologist: Dr. Gary Paul Nabhan

Better known to us as Br. Coyote, aaawwwoooooo! Words: DEB Committee (Scott Herron, Chelsey Geralda Armstrong, Raymond Pierotti) and Awards Coordinator (Liz Olson). On behalf of the Distinguished Ethnobiologist Award committee and the Society’s Board of Directors, we are honoured to announce Dr. Gary Paul Nabhan as the 2016 Distringuished…

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Save The Date

Chapter/Convocation 2016 planning is underway. Registration will be available soon. Please plan to gather with the community from May 25th to May 29th at the Fatima Retreat Center in Indianapolis, IN The Chapter is our annual governance meeting and the Convocation is an opportunity for learning, ongoing formation, and relationship…

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Blessed Christmas!

The Brothers and Sisters of the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans wish you a Joyful and Blessed Christmas. May your celebration of Incarnation raise your spirits and give you strength for the year ahead! From Catholic Education Resource Center: The story of the origin of the Christmas creche rests with the…

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Towards Words & Actions of Peace and Goodwill

FRANCISCAN ACTION NETWORK STANDS WITH MUSLIM BROTHERS AND SISTERS As Franciscan and Muslim leaders we join together in calling for an end to vitriolic hate speech, attitudes and actions against Muslims. We condemn acts of hatred and violence committed by any group against another. Zechariah 7:10 declares that the word…

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Addressing Racist Rhetoric in the U.S. Elections- Updated

The Servant Team of the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans is deeply concerned about certain directions that the present Presidential debates are taking. UPDATE: We are updating this letter originally  sent September 13, 2015.  Our concerns have not lessened.  The continued attacks by varied candidates running for President of the United…

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A Message from Co-Minister Shoshanah Kay

Sisters and Brothers, I write this from a hotel room in San Antonio as I watch with sadness the news rolling in as Paris explodes. I witness the cold power of violence, the dark power of fear. “Love one another” feels a feeble response. We take baby steps among friends,…

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