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A Report from the Prism Conference
Posted for Br. Louis Canter, n/OEF The red glow of the candle next to the bowl filled with sand keeps reminding me of the extraordinary event I was privileged to experience in Tampa this past week. The three colored sand mixed together is a reminder of the three major faith…
A Gathering of the Mariposa Fellowship
The People of God: A Sacred Prism
Let us join in prayer for the presenters and participants in this special conference, held from April 12-14 in Tampa, FL http://rootsandbranchesprograms.org/Tampa2015.html In these times of uncertainly, fear, and suspicion of people from different faith traditions, this conference affirms the Divine Light that shines through all people of Godly faith,…
Kiwi Regional Fellowship Report
The inaugural meeting of the Kiwi Regional Fellowship of the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans took place this morning (21 Jan 2015) in Wellington, New Zealand. Sister Helen Bathurst and postulant Reg Weeks met for coffee in the Cafe of the National Library of New Zealand. We shared something of our…
My God and My All
from Br. Mark Whitten, n/OEF- Offered as a midweek reflection at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church IT was in the year 1209, about two years after the now famous vision that St Francis had at the San Damiano cross where he received direction to “rebuild my church which, you can see,…
A Message from the Interim Minister
As a North Dakotan I appreciate that we have four very distinct seasons in a year. Sometimes we have six or eight very distinct seasons in a year and that’s another story! For now, I share that in a very short span of time darkness has given way to longer…
A Silent Witness
From Br. David Luke Hutton, OEF The invitation simply read, “Please support our Coptic Rally on Sunday 03/01/2015 Candle Light Vigil for 21 Egyptians Martyred in Libya 3:00 pm. Nashville Public Library …” … There were many reasons one could have convinced themselves Not to attend. An Outsider from another…
There’s More Than One Way to Preach the Gospel
Br. Cesare Bonizzi, OFM Cap. has a unique way of sharing God’s love- with the driving sounds of Heavy Metal Music.
A Different Sort of Birdsong
Post by Karim Metwaly.
The Journey is Always Unfolding
A Novice reflection by Br. Greg Williams, n/OEF who is seeking to make life vows this summer. So what have I learned? What am I going forward with, as I move towards Profession within the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans? Moving into a new Spiritual realm is never an ending, except…