Lenten Reflection 2

Totally unqualified to write on the subject and requesting your indulgence, I continue your servant council’s Lenten reflections on this year’s topic though I am pretty certain that I am the least knowledgeable in our little order and perhaps even the most unsure-footed among all of God’s followers when it…

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OEF Servant Council Advent Reflections WEEK FOUR

Scripture: Luke 1:38 — “Mary said, ‘Here I am, the Lord’s slave. Let it become for me just as you said.’” Exhortation: The angel’s message to Mary was strange. The Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem was empty: there was no ark. Many common people in Galilee, and those in…

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 In Luke 2:1-20, the emperor Augustus and the governor of Quirinius, men of power, wealth, and privilege, are the backdrop of what appears to be an ordinary couple in a difficult situation: they have freshly arrived in town and Mary is great with child, about to deliver, but the inn…

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Servant Council Advent Reflections week Two

Scripture: Mark 1:4 — “John the Baptist proclaimed a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” Exhortation: Baptism initiates us into a life – a way or path – of repentance. When we are baptized, we become lifelong penitents. When John baptized Jesus, the Spirit kissed him with approval and anointed…

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Servant Council Advent Reflections Week One

Scripture: Mark 13:33-37 — Jesus said, “Be on your guard, stay awake … Stay awake … What I am saying to you I say to all, Stay awake!” Exhortation: In times of hopelessness or high emotions, we might give in to thinking like others. We might reach for wrong solutions; we might…

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