The Party- a Reflection from Sr. Shoshanah

We always have a party. Saturday night.

After receiving our most newly professed.

And novices. And postulants.

After renewing our vows.

After laying our rules upon the altar.

After saying “yes” — one more time.

After entering into communion —

holy communion.

After all this serious, profound, challenging,

tough tender stuff,

We always have a party.

The party is not always the same.

But we always mean to celebrate.

And we want to celebrate together.

Which can be a little tricky.

Because we have different ways of


Some of us are rather quiet; some of us are

rather rowdy.

Some of us drink; some of us do not.

Some of us joke and laugh and mingle well.

Some of us would rather not, thank you.

As I was thinking of the party,

I got to thinking of all the sweet little gifts

over all the sweet little years

that I have come home from Chapter with.

I/we have been given: bookmarks, rosary

beads, prayer cards, etc.

One year we were given clay “stones”, each

with a name upon it.

We promised to pray for the one named (each

a member of the Order).

One year I came home with a nut and a bolt.

I no longer remember the specifics, but what I

held onto is the recognition that we are

building something. Together.

Like maybe the Kingdom of God.

Or the “Kin-dom” as some say.

Or a good and peaceful world.

One year we were greeted with a village of

tiny clay monks.

We each adopted one. And took it home. To

give it love and care.

Last year we received t-shirts: “Let us see what

Love can do”.

This year we have prayer beads and prayer


My beads are a light turquoise blue

with the single silver word “hope”.

My prayer stone says “kindness”.

This year I want to see what hope and kindness

can do.

I think of all the sharings that happen here and


— sometimes in “Fiddlesticks,” sometimes on

the website, or Facebook;

sometimes in worship or around the table;

sometimes with fuzzy wolf puppies;

sometimes at regional gatherings, or on the

phone, or in the mailbox;

sometimes simply among two or more gathered

in His name; sometimes at the party — every

year at Chapter — on Saturday night.

I think of all the little sharings that maybe want

to be shared,

but aren’t quite sure how best to be shared.

And I hope maybe some will find a way tonight.

A song, a story, a prayer, a thank you, a hope, a

suggestion, a challenge, a remembrance, a

toast, a dance. Could be silence.

Or a punny pun. Or a warm fuzzy wolf puppy —

or make that two.

Could be simply the gift of your presence and

your warm beating heart.

Share as you



each other.

At this party

this year on

this Saturday


~ shoshanah,

party night,

chapter 2016

About John Michael

Pastor, teacher, partner, dog walker, gardener, conservationist, contemplative, hiker. Currently serving as a Formation Coordinator for OEF and Dean of VT/NY conference of Lutheran Synod.

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