An Update from Br. Rat

Where did the time go! I almost forgot to report on my formation activities! Fortunately Sr. Kathleen inquired after me and Br. Stephan reminded me that I had a bit of writing to do. Anyway we have been super busy wrapping up our Rhododendron recovery program, looking up recipes and making lists for the Christmas Feast and catching up on our reading for the Franciscan book club. Br. Stephan says I have to finish the Cat Dictionary before I can start on my new spiritual formation book by Henry Nouwen. The Cat Dictionary is a slow read but I figure I ought to get used to it as everybody in the book group is either a cat or a cat lover. Oh the challenges of being in a diverse community. Fortunately Buddy and I work well together except when he tries to turn my animal blessing for the peace cranes into a last rites ceremony. Overall we are doing quite well and yes the animal blessing went off without any casualties. Not sure what Christmas will bring but around here anything is possible, in other words beware of Franciscans that are Crazy for Christmas and cats that nap too frequently.

About John Michael

Pastor, teacher, partner, dog walker, gardener, conservationist, contemplative, hiker. Currently serving as a Formation Coordinator for OEF and Dean of VT/NY conference of Lutheran Synod.

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