Scripture: John 1:26-27 — “Standing among you – unknown to you – is the one coming after me; I am not fit to undo the strap of his sandal.”
Exhortation: The one who is coming – who, as John says, “is greater than I” – the greatest of all (who will come “in great power and glory”), in whom is our hope, for ourselves and for the whole world, is the one who is already here, in our midst, whom we do not know, who is here “in great humility.” He whom the disciples saw on the Mount of Transfiguration is the same as he who was walking humbly beside them. The difference was a matter of vision, of having the veil removed from their eyes, rather than any change in substance. The trajectory of the Gospel of John is this. When Jesus was glorified, he imparted himself to us through the Holy Spirit. As we are in him, so he is in us. Where is Jesus? He is in each other: his power and glory is in the most humble among us, if we can just see it. The word the New Testament uses for “coming” (parousía: from pará, “alongside of,” and ousía, “being”) also means “presence.” Emmanuel. Jesus warns us that we won’t see him if we look for fanfare. He is there on the margins and in those who are suffering. In addition – the apex of John’s gospel! – we are the “coming” we are looking for, we are the presence of the Coming One to others, we who are “alongside” them. We – in our own humility and poverty – embody the love and hope they long for, as we walk in the little way of Jesus.
Prayer: “Stir up your power, and with great might come among us.”
Your Humble Servant Council
Petra, Owusu, Kathy, Ron, Magdalena, Deb
May we pray for Peace in places where there is war. Reconciliation where there is division.
Hope where there is despair. Love where there is hatred.