Scripture: Luke 1:38 — “Mary said, ‘Here I am, the Lord’s slave. Let it become for me just as you said.’”
Exhortation: The angel’s message to Mary was strange. The Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem was empty: there was no ark. Many common people in Galilee, and those in the monastic communities in the desert, believed that the Most High had abandoned the Temple. Even its priesthood, they thought, was false. If we were in Mary’s shoes, we would easily have heard between the lines of what Gabriel was saying. In all her flawed humanity, she was to become the restored Temple of the Most High, and her fleshy womb was to become the Holy of Holies in which would dwell the Holy One. And this child was to be the anointed Son of God – who would sit on the throne of God and who would bring the kingdom of God. No less is said to us when Jesus says, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Mary, therefore, bravely models what our response should be to his coming. She therefore embodies our Advent Celebration. “Here I am,” she says. She presents herself to the Divine, offering herself up for the Divine pleasure to take place in and through her. Like her, Christ is formed in us so that Christ can be born into the world through us. We too become the cherishing mother of Christ in all the people and creatures around us. And like her, our soul too is pierced as Christ suffers in the disinherited. Are we ready to say, “Here I am”?
Prayer: “Fill us with your grace that in all things we may accept your holy will and with Mary rejoice in your salvation.”
Your Humble Servant Council
Petra, Owusu, Kathy, Ron, Magdalena, Deb
May we pray for Peace in places where there is war. Reconciliation where there is division.
Hope where there is despair. Love where there is hatred.