
The Franciscan family, as one among many spiritual families raised up by the Holy Spirit in the Church, unites all members of the people of God, clergy and laity, who recognize that they are called to follow Christ in the footsteps of Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi.

Christ calls us to follow this way, so that he may send us, like Francis and Clare, to offer all that we have and all that we are. We shall strive to be living witnesses among all nations to the great truth that, in Christ, “there is no longer Jew nor Greek, there is no longer slave nor free, there is no longer male nor female” (Galatians 3:28); that there are no barriers of race or nations in God’s family. There is only the All-loving Creator, the Divine Redeemer, the one fellowship in the All-wonderful Comforter.

St. Francis and St. Clare recognized that people from all walks of life are called to follow Jesus and live the simple Gospel life. We strive for unity with the Franciscan Family, comprising those who live a radical embrace of the evangelical counsels of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, as well as those who live a secular life of simplicity. Among us are those who embrace the active life, the contemplative life, the eremitical life and various mixes thereof. We seek a life of daily conversion under a definite discipline and lifelong vows. Members may be from any Christian faith community or church. Members are clergy and lay, inclusive of all gender identifications and sexual orientations, and may be married, partnered or single.

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