Lenten reflection #4: Care in the OEF Community

In my daily prayer times, I’ve been trying to reflect on the Gospel readings each week, paying special attention to what they might say about the topic of community and caring for one another. This week’s Gospel is from John 12:20-33, including these verses: “The hour has come for the…

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Lenten reflection #2: Care in the OEF community

As mentioned by Br. Juniper in the first of our (the OEF Council’s) Lenten reflections, this year’s theme of our convocation is care and harm, specifically in this little, dispersed community of ours. Being dispersed as we are does make this concern difficult to address, to say the least. Let’s…

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Lenten reflection #1: Care in the OEF community

This the first of five Lenten reflections on care and harm in community, the theme of our convocation at the end of June.  One of my favorite quotes about community came from an Episcopal Sister of the Transfiguration: “Community life is like the sandpaper on the wood, polishing each of…

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Advent 2020 #4 Reflection

REFLECTION ON THE FINAL WEEK OF ADVENT I suppose I should title this the last half-week of Advent. The faster I go, the behinder I get. I just noticed that our Advent calendar said 15 December (if only…) and remedied that! Sunday’s reading, the Anunciation, has been discussed, researched, preached,…

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Advent 2020 #3 Refelction

As Brer Bruce James reminded us last week, it’s been a tough year for waiting. We’ve been waiting for lockdowns to end; fires to be extinguished; losses to be grieved; vaccines to be developed; social and ecological justice to be established and embodied; campaigns to be made and votes to…

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OEF & Pallottine Renewal Center Tree Planting Ceremony

On Sept. 15th of 2020 our donated tree was planted at the Pallottine Renewal Center, in Florissant, MO. Our tree was one of about 17 trees planted that day. The Oak trees are replacing the old and sick Oak trees that line the driveway that leads up to PRC. These…

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Advent 2020 #1 – Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving

Fr. Sully, the rector of my parish, has lost his mother-in-law and his father to the COVID virus.  He says he is haunted but who among us who are strong and present will be gone next spring because of the virus.  It is a very hard time with illness suffering…

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