Save The Date

Chapter/Convocation 2016 planning is underway. Registration will be available soon. Please plan to gather with the community from May 25th to May 29th at the Fatima Retreat Center in Indianapolis, IN The Chapter is our annual governance meeting and the Convocation is an opportunity for learning, ongoing formation, and relationship…

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Blessed Christmas!

The Brothers and Sisters of the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans wish you a Joyful and Blessed Christmas. May your celebration of Incarnation raise your spirits and give you strength for the year ahead! From Catholic Education Resource Center: The story of the origin of the Christmas creche rests with the…

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Great Lakes Retreat Registration is Now Open!

You Are Invited! OEF Great Lakes Region invites you to join us for our annual Francistide Retreat! Assisi Heights Spirituality Center, 1001 14 th St NW Rochester MN 55901 2 :00pm Thursday, Oct.1 – Noon Saturday Oct. 3 With an optional extra night Wed. Sept. 30, 7pm You can register…

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Br. Rat’s September Rule Report

One morning, this month, I found myself being stuffed into Helen’s pack. When I protested she told me that we were off to Brother Reg’s novicing at St Ronan’s in Eastbourne.. I was told that is was incumbent on me to attend this so called “historic” occasion because I belong…

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Good News from Down Under

Sr. Helen from Wellington New Zealand reports: History was made in St Ronan’s Presbyterian Church, Eastbourne, New Zealand on 3 September 2015 when Brother Reg Weeks to made his novice vow and became a novice in the OEF. Also gathered to witness the occasion were Reg’s minister, Michelle Shin and…

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August Rule Report for Brother Rat

August 2015 This month I was dragged off to the small rural town of Carterton to help Helen look after three grandsons and the cat for a whole week while their parents were at Salvation Army Officers’ Fellowship. Living in community with three boys aged between seven and eleven isn’t my…

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