Chapter 2015 Minutes
Here are the official minutes of Chapter 2015: Chapter 2015 Minutes
Here are the official minutes of Chapter 2015: Chapter 2015 Minutes
Delivered by Sr. Shoshanah Kay, Co-Minister “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of…
Posted for Br. Richard LeFevre, n/OEF who hopes to make life vows this summer. I will begin to say that my religious formation was at times difficult, but at all times necessary. It challenged me and loved me at the same time. I found that the key is to remain open…
from Br. Mark Whitten, n/OEF- Offered as a midweek reflection at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church IT was in the year 1209, about two years after the now famous vision that St Francis had at the San Damiano cross where he received direction to “rebuild my church which, you can see,…
From Br. David Luke Hutton, OEF The invitation simply read, “Please support our Coptic Rally on Sunday 03/01/2015 Candle Light Vigil for 21 Egyptians Martyred in Libya 3:00 pm. Nashville Public Library …” … There were many reasons one could have convinced themselves Not to attend. An Outsider from another…
Post by Karim Metwaly.
A Novice reflection by Br. Greg Williams, n/OEF who is seeking to make life vows this summer. So what have I learned? What am I going forward with, as I move towards Profession within the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans? Moving into a new Spiritual realm is never an ending, except…