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2022 Lent Reflection 5
The Gospel lesson today is a very familiar one, from John 12:1-8: Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. There they gave a dinner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table…
2022 Lenten Reflection 4
The Gospel reading from this past Sunday came from Luke chapter 15. This chapter has stories of lost and found. These stories are very familiar to us. The pastor at the church I attend, who preached on the gospel lesson, reminded us of these three stories. He said recently that…
2022 Lenten Reflection 2
Totally unqualified to write on the subject and requesting your indulgence, I continue your servant council’s Lenten reflections on this year’s topic though I am pretty certain that I am the least knowledgeable in our little order and perhaps even the most unsure-footed among all of God’s followers when it…
2022 Lenten Reflection 3
Hi all, here’s my little reflection on discernment, one of the themes we your OEF Council discerned for this year’s Chapter. In our Chapter, we will discern who will be our next Council, among other things. We owe it to ourselves to do our discernment well, not only as our…
2022 Lent Reflection 1
I come to the wilderness today wondering: Why am I here? What’s this about? Where do I go from here? What am I to do as I go from here? Or, I come wondering: Should I do this thing (right now)? Or that thing? Should I even venture into the…
OEF Council statement on the Russian invasion of the Ukraine
As Franciscans, deeply committed to peace, we are appalled by the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, grieve for the victims of the ongoing attacks, stand with those in Ukraine, Russia, and beyond who oppose this war, and pray for all concerned. Ми, служителі Ордену францисканців, завжди щиро прихільного ідеям миру,…
Advent Reflection #4
Today’s reading (O.T and Gospel) had a common message, there is good news. In our world at this time there is a need to hear that there is some good news. When I was 6 years old I was in the annual Christmas play, like so many of you all.…
Advent Reflection #2

Dear Siblings, In today’s Advent reflection, I go back to Br. Bruce James’ reflection from last week, his concerns and depression over the violent and dark turn our country has taken. (Not just our country…just saying…) His reflection butts up well against today’s Gospel reading for Catholics: Luke 21: 25-28, 34-36, which talks…
Advent Reflection #1
Another season in the life of the Church is upon us. We the members of the OEF council have each committed to sharing a personal reflection on Advent with all y’all. Do with them as you are led. Here’s the first of five: Some years ago, Sr. Shoshanah and I…
Advent Refelction #3
“Take off the garment of your sorrow and affliction, O Jerusalem, and put on forever the beauty of the glory from God.” (Baruch 5:1) I grew up being taught to fear the judgment of God – no, fear is not the right word. We were meant to be terrified. The…