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2020 Juniper Cup Competition
From last year’s winner of the tunic of Saint James the Least, Sister Helen “Kiwi” Bathurst: I am asking Juniper Cup entrants to tell us what they would give St Francis or St Clare as a birthday gift and why. This can be presented in any way that is zoom…
Chapter 2020- On-Line Only
Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases throughout the US and especially in the Midwest, we are cancelling our reservation at the Pallottine Renewal Center in St. Louis. All of our sessions will be on line. We are looking forward to our 2020 Chapter/Convocation online. And we will plan on…
Council Statement- Black Lives Matter
As Franciscans following Jesus in the little way of Francis and Clare, we are called to go from Gospel to life and from life to Gospel. And so: We bear witness to the brutality and oppression that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities still endure around the world,…
OEF Chapter/Convocation 2020 centered on St Clare
From the OEF Council: Betty Lou, Bruce James, Jacoba, Juniper and Markie OEF Chapter Convocation for 2020 will happen over St Clare’s day. The Order will gather Monday August 10th till Wednesday August 12th. This will be a Chapter/Convocation in place. Following a practice that we have learned from our…
Free Franciscan Retreat
From Brother Louis Canter: https://www.facebook.com/events/221783135588626/
A Statement from the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans for Earth Day
with a bow to Br. Coyote, OEF The Holy One for Blessing spoke and gathered the dust from the Big Bang into the most fabulous life form – Earth. Earth was spoken into being: Sister Water, Brother Air, Sibling Rock and Blazing Fire shaped by the Voice into rivers, plains,…
Important Update to the 2020 Chapter
Dear Siblings & Friends, We the Council have two things to bring to you:First: After much deliberation, and in consultation with our hosts in Missouri, we are moving this year’s Order of Ecumenical Franciscans Chapter/Convocation to August 10-13, 2020 at the Pallottine Renewal Center, Florissant, MO. God willing, of course.…
Spiritual Freedom Border Wall Statement
April 2020: Intertribal & Interfaith Alliance Condemns Damage to Sacred Sites, Plants, Waters, Cemeteries, Shrines and Burials By Border Wall Construction & Seeks Legal Protection of Religious Freedom Guaranteed by U.S. Constitution The undersigned representatives of Tribal members, Tribal leaders, Indigenous rights organizations, and Interfaith organizations request meetings with Homeland…
Servant Council Message on Chapter & COVID-19
Dear OEF Siblings,As we stated in our last post, we have been monitoring the coronavirus situation as it impacts our plans for holding Chapter/Convocation this year. Here are some of our current thoughts:-It is looking pretty doubtful that we will be able to have Chapter at the scheduled time, June…
Servant Council Letter on COVID-19
Dear members of the OEF Community: The COVID-19 pandemic has been increasingly on our minds and hearts, and we appreciate the conversations we’ve been having and prayers that have been offered. Know that we, the OEF Council, are doing our best to monitor the situation and will adjust upcoming Order…