Greetings and Gnawings

Br. Rat tending to some new plantings.

It’s been a busy Spring trying to prepare for the various outdoor ministries here in the Northwest.  As I will not be here for the Rhododendron Rehabilitation program this year I was asked to see to the religious training of the daisies and the miniature roses. I must say religious instruction for Perennials and Annuals is quite a challenge when all they’ve ever heard is something about from dust we came and dust we shall go. Suffice it to say I’ve had many questions from my students about compost, mulch, reincarnation and of course the biggie…what does resurrection mean for us. On the bright side my students were delighted with the idea that God made them specifically for the purpose of creating color. And I thought teaching communion to a cat was difficult! Sheesh! These kids have a question for everything!Needless to say I’ve been spending a lot of my free time exploring new forms of meditation to keep my chakras in order so that I don’t have a melt down or pass out from mental exhaustion.I am currently taking instruction in a  meditation form called the “Holy Cow” This particular meditation focuses on self control in other words focusing on the aroma and the color of Blue Cheese while being mindful as to how it pairs with a wine rather than mindlessly gobbling down the cheese and slurping the wine directly from the bottle. I have been spending a lot of time meditating in the Ashram with Blue Cheese and Wine and the results have been very life giving.Would love to chat and squeak more but there’s work to be done and chapters right around the corner! See you there! Br. Rat

Br. Rat loves to contemplate cheeses

About John Michael

Pastor, teacher, partner, dog walker, gardener, conservationist, contemplative, hiker. Currently serving as a Formation Coordinator for OEF and Dean of VT/NY conference of Lutheran Synod.

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