Council Message on Australia

Our thoughts and heats are with our brothers and sisters, both human and non-human, in Australia whose lives have been torn apart by the ongoing wildfires.

We give thanks for rain graciously delivered and trust that more will be given to extinguish fires and end crippling drought so that residents and animals may drink and farmers may grow crops again and that the rest of the summer be blessed with moderate temperatures and the absence of strong winds, to temper the danger of more drought and fire.

May the Holy One of Blessing hold all the grief and suffering. May the One in Whom we can safely place all of our being watch over the firefighters courageously putting their lives on the line in service to the land and people and also the animal advocates rescuing wildlife. And may the Creator of all that is Good bring about a new spring and imbue our brothers and sisters with the wisdom to know how best to go forward, emotionally and physically, in rebuilding their land and caring for their wildlife and each other.

About John Michael

Pastor, teacher, partner, dog walker, gardener, conservationist, contemplative, hiker. Currently serving as a Formation Coordinator for OEF and Dean of VT/NY conference of Lutheran Synod.

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