A Letter from the Council in preparation for Chapter

Dear siblings and friends,

As Chapter and Convocation 2020 draws nearer, we’d like to invite everyone to spend time in preparation: supporting one another, deepening our spiritual practices, and making our hearts ready for the work, play, and growth that we enjoy when we gather together.

Our theme this year is “Sister Clare, Light from Within: What Can We Each Learn from Her Witness?” As such, we encourage everyone to spend time reading, contemplating, and practicing with Clare’s writings, witness, and charism.

The core of Clare’s writings we have received are the letters she wrote to Agnes of Prague.

  • We ask that everyone read and reflect on these letters as a basic practice.
  • You can find them online (free of charge) as pdf downloads at: http://www.slr-ofs.org/st-clares-letters-to-st-agnes-of-prague.html
  • We also ask that you read “Celebrating Saint Clare of Assisi” from Franciscan Media, to gain an overview and context for Clare’s letters, life, and charism: https://www.franciscanmedia.org/celebrating-saint-clare-of-assisi/
  • We encourage everyone to share your reflections, questions, and spiritual practices with each other: in our Google Group, at regional fellowships, in conversations and letters, and in whatever ways you spend time with others. What does it mean (to each of us, and as an order) to follow Jesus in the way of Clare of Assisi?
  • Even if you cannot be physically present in St. Louis, please join us in this time of preparation. Our shared prayers, reflections, fellowship, and imitation of Jesus are vital to our mission of supporting one another’s spiritual growth.

We’ll be incorporating this shared learning and insight into our time together in St. Louis, where we’ll be: hearing Clare’s words in worship and prayer; reflecting in small groups about what Clare’s life and charism means for us; setting aside time for contemplation as an Order; and learning from one another.

We invite you to pray for us as an Order as we begin to plan and prepare for our 2020 gathering!

In grace, peace, and joy,

Your Servant Council


For those who would like more complete resources to study Clare’s writings and Rules:

Biographies & Reflections

For those who would like to study Clare’s life, there are several good options.

Sr. Frances Teresa Downing’s books are very helpful:

Others include:


Clare’s witness and charism have shaped how we understand and follow Christ. Some helpful contributions include:

About John Michael

Pastor, teacher, partner, dog walker, gardener, conservationist, contemplative, hiker. Currently serving as a Formation Coordinator for OEF and Dean of VT/NY conference of Lutheran Synod.

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