On Sept. 15th of 2020 our donated tree was planted at the Pallottine Renewal Center, in Florissant, MO. Our tree was one of about 17 trees planted that day. The Oak trees are replacing the old and sick Oak trees that line the driveway that leads up to PRC. These older Oak trees were planted 50 years ago. My first hope is that these new Oak trees can live as long and more. The next time you are at Pallottine walk along the driveway and see each with their individual plaque. Our plaque reads: Order of Ecumenical Franciscans “Caring For Our Common Home”.

My second hope is that we can continue to donate a tree for each year that we gather at Pallottine. This is a meaningful act for us as a community to do something for our common home.
It was an honor to represent the OEF at the ceremony. We each had the opportunity to read/say something about who or why the tree was given. I shared our long history of coming to PRC for our annual Chapter/Convocation gatherings and how we can care for our common home thru acts of compassion and healing. I also read “Brother Sun, Sister Moon” with a few new verses to honor the day and represent our siblings.
Here are those extra verses,
Be praised, my Lord thru Brother Birds, you have been given feathers to wear and wings to fly, you are noble among the creatures. Come near and perch thyself high to see.
Be praised, my Lord, thru Brother Squirrel, who darts here and there, up and down the tree trunk, busy gathering nuts for the winter season, always playful.
Be praised, my Lord, thru Sister Tree, for you are a giver of life. Your limbs provide a safe space, shelter from all of the cruelties and uncertainties of this world. Your trunk is strong and provides stability to those in need. Your leaves are flags of many colors, bright and ever changing. Always inviting, providing shade for all creatures. Your roots hold us all close to one another. Sustaining us with needed nourishment and anchoring us all to Sister Mother Earth.
Be praised, my Lord, be praised.
Peace and all good,