OEF Council statement on the Russian invasion of the Ukraine

As Franciscans, deeply committed to peace, we are appalled by the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, grieve for the victims of the ongoing attacks, stand with those in Ukraine, Russia, and beyond who oppose this war, and pray for all concerned.   Ми, служителі Ордену францисканців, завжди щиро прихільного ідеям миру,…

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Advent Reflection #2

Dear Siblings, In today’s Advent reflection, I go back to Br. Bruce James’ reflection from last week, his concerns and depression over the violent and dark turn our country has taken. (Not just our country…just saying…) His reflection butts up well against today’s Gospel reading for Catholics: Luke 21: 25-28, 34-36, which talks…

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OEF Council Statement of Support for and Solidarity with our Transgender and Intersex Siblings and Communities

Dear siblings, and all friends of our little Order of Ecumenical Franciscans, There is joy in remembering how we have been called together, to celebrate the Divine presence and grace in everything, and to follow the Poor Christ in lives of mutual care and accountability. For many of us, this…

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Reflection #2 on caring for our common home – creation care

Principle #13 of The Order of Ecumenical Franciscans We shall respect all creatures, animate and inanimate, which “bear the imprint of the Most High; “and we shall strive to move from the temptation of exploiting Creation toward the Franciscan concept of universal kinship.  As Francis taught us to look for…

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Reflection #1 on caring for our common home – creation care

One of the things that I have done during the long months of the pandemic restrictions has been to occupy some time each day working on puzzles through an app called Jigsaw. Truly, there are multitudes of such puzzles available online for a very minimal fee ( some are even…

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